Gongs belong to the oldest and most important musical instruments of South East Asia. Their origins may be traced back to the second millennium B.C., but it is assumed that the gong is much older. In Chinese history, gongs are mentioned around 500 A.D., attributed to a nation called HSI YU between Tibet and Burma during the reign of Emperor Hsuan Wu.
Historic research provides us with four main centers - Burma, China, Annam, Java - at least 7 gong shapes and sound structures stem from these regions. Only few families knew the tradition of gong making as it was passed from generation to generation. The art of making gongs was veiled in a sense of magic. Gong makers believed that a gong could only succeed with the help of higher powers, and that they were exposed to forces more so than ordinary humans.
The gong was an important element in the lives of of Far East people and is still in some countries today. In Asian families, the gong was an attribute of wealth and served as a status symbol. In rites, the gong was used in the evocation of ghosts and in the banning of demons. Touching a gong brought you fortune and strength. In rituals of the Far East, the gong has retained its special significance to this day.
As a musical instrument, the gong accompanied celebrations, funeral ceremonies, songs, and theater plays. In the music of the Asian high cultures, the gong was used as an orchestral instrument. Orchestras with gong plays containing up to 18 notes were not seldom. They were also played in private concerts at residences.
Since about 1790, gongs were used in European orchestras. Since then, the terms "Tam Tam" for flat gongs, and "Gong" for bossed gongs, have become customary. However, the authentic term in all languages of the origin countries is GONG.
Gongs belong to the oldest and most important musical instruments of South East Asia. Their origins may be traced back to the second millennium B.C., but it is assumed that the gong is much older. In Chinese history, gongs are mentioned around 500 A.D., attributed to a nation called HSI YU between Tibet and Burma during the reign of Emperor Hsuan Wu.
The following is a list of the gongs Crystal Journey uses live and when recording. Naturally only a select few are used per performance.
Planet Gongs
Planet Gongs are tuned to the natural harmonic series based on the orbital properties of the Earth, Moon, Sun, and Planets. All of these gongs resonate in harmony with the celestial bodies and communicate a distinct aspect of the Music of the Spheres, which was first documented by Pythagoras in the 6th Century BC. Each planet gong contributes a vital pitch to the total harmonic resonance of our solar system.
Named for the Greek Gods, the planets also embody significant archetypal, astrological, and mythological associations. The Planet Gongs provide a gateway back to our natural state of connectedness with the physical, emotional, and spiritual world. When the gong is sounded, we are physically connected to the strength and power of its resonance, sympathy, and correspondences.
The Planet Gongs are used by both individuals and practitioners to uncover feelings, stimulate growth, balance, inner harmony, and evolution of the nervous system. Used on their own or as part of a "Harmonic Attunement," Planet Gongs are integrated into Crystal Journey's performances with the Quartz Crystal Bowls as well as private attunements that are offered for individuals, groups, communities, and organizations.
The frequencies used for the Planet Gongs represent the calculations of Hans Cousto.
38" Ohm (Earth Year) Planet Gong(Gaia) Earth in the solar year, season to season, it is our home tone. Approximate musical note is C#.
Rules: Earth's Yearly Seasonal Cycle
Character: Midlife, grounding, balance
Key Words: Nature, sustenance, material gain, food, creativity, concentration, reason for being, remembrance, birth, youth, midlife, wisdom, and experience.
Basic Function: Earth represents the ability to be comfortable in our body, and the homework we each must do. It provides the balance needed to complete our destiny successfully.
38" Sun Planet Gong (Helios) Approximate musical note is B.
Rules: Leo
Character: Self
Key Words: Initiative, vitality, authority, leadership, generosity, individuation, power, confidence, and self-esteem.
Basic Function: Helps to define our individuality, integrity, and independence; to overcome limiting environmental conditions, and to be in touch with our Divine seed.
38" Sedna Planet Gong(Sedna) Approximate musical note is C.
Rules: Harmonics with strong affinity to Pluto and Neptune
Character: New Paradigms
Key Words: Sound, forgiveness, compassion, creativity, global view, water, purging and purifying toxicity, transformation/transmigration, right conduct and responsibility, non-linearity/non-duality.
Basic Function: Sedna expands and challenges our ideas and assumptions about the very nature of the cosmos, opening us to new paradigms and non-duality, providing us with access into the deep layers of the personal and collective unconscious, our super conscious, and Universal intelligences.
36" Pluto Planet Gong(Hades) Approximate musical note is C#.
Rules: Scorpio
Character: Transformation
Key Words: Transmutation, integration, sexuality, illumination, transformation, liberation, potential, shadow, death and resurrection, rebirth, and polarity.
Basic Function: Growth and transcendence through conflict. Pluto breaks down the old into its component parts only to reassemble them on a new higher octave. Pluto rules the raising of kundalini, the major driving power of this ongoing process.
32" Mercury Planet Gong (Hermes) Approximate musical note is C#.
Rules: Gemini/Virgo
Character: Mind
Key Words: Communication, concrete knowledge, reason, realism, analysis, intelligence, cunning, alertness, eloquence, discrimination, versatility, dexterity, conceptual ability, and inventiveness.
Basic Function: Activates our mind and reasoning faculty to promote knowledge, understanding, communication, freedom of choice, and synthesis.
32" Mars Planet Gong (Ares) Approximate musical note is D.
Rules: Aries/Scorpio
Character: Passion
Key Words: Self-assertion, survival, decisive, activity, desire, the masculine principle, physical initiative, energy, courage, originality, courage, action, determination power, virility, and resolve.
Basic Function: Propels you to take action, provides the courage necessary to remove obstacles in your path, and to find new ways of self-expression. Protects and assures.
32" Chiron Planet Gong(Chiron) Approximate musical note is D#.
Rules: Virgo
Character: Initiation
Key Words: Non-traditional healing methods, alchemy, vision, destiny, self-sacrifice, animal power, integrity, strength, compassion, wisdom, knowledge, dependability, unconventionality, and craftiness.
Basic Function: Chiron is the wounded healer, a catalyst to help us access our deepest wounds so that we may move forward with strength, compassion, and wisdom to achieve our true destiny.
32" Saturn Planet Gong (Kronos) Approximate musical note is D.
Rules: Capricorn
Character: Discipline
Key Words: Stability, patience, structure, self-discipline, law, control, power, limitation, wisdom, perseverance, restriction, protection, caution, achievement, overview, and time.
Basic Function: To restrain us; helps us establish healthy boundaries and forges us in the inner fire of discipline, so that we may gain the power and wisdom to actualize our soul's purpose.
32" Nibiru Planet Gong(Nibiru) Approximate musical note is E.
Rules: Libra
Character: Evolution
Key Words: Evolution, travel, connection, the gods, roots and origins, genetics, change, feelings, emotional longing and resolution, enlightenment, initiator, and restoration.
Basic Function: Nibiru crosses our lives and helps us to identify our emotional needs and longing, to achieve resolution and enlightenment, so that we can repair that which is not working and restore ourselves to balance.
30" Zodiac Earth Planet Gong
(Gaia) Earth's cycle through all signs of the Zodiac - 25,920 years. Approximate musical note is F.
Rules: Processional Cycle of Earth
Character: Wisdom, experience
Key Words: Nature, sustenance, material gain, food, creativity, concentration, reason for being, remembrance, birth, youth, midlife, wisdom, and experience.
Basic Function: Earth represents the ability to be comfortable in our body, and the homework we each must do. It provides the balance needed to complete our destiny successfully.
28" Earth Day Planet GongGaia) Earth in the 24-hour day. Approximate musical note is G.
Rules: 24 Hour Sidereal Day
Character: Youthful, generative
Key Words: Nature, sustenance, material gain, food, creativity, concentration, reason for being, remembrance, birth, youth, midlife, wisdom, and experience.
Basic Function: Earth represents the ability to be comfortable in our body. It provides the balance needed to complete our destiny successfully.
28" Jupiter Planet Gong (Zeus) Approximate musical note is F#.
Rules: Sagittarius/Pisces
Character: Expansion
Key Words: Expansion, opening, optimism, affirming, abundance, opulence, enthusiasm, growth, learning, understanding, social consciousness (moral, ethical, philosophical), the big picture, success, achievement, good luck, fearless, wise ruler ship, wisdom through understanding, leadership, and tolerance.
Basic Function: To stimulate growth and expansion on all levels and break illusory boundaries between spirit and matter.
26" New Moon Synodic Gong Approximate musical note is G#.
Rules: Cancer
Character: Movement, Opening, Feelings
Key Words: Receptivity, nurturing, intuition, water, feminine, protection, good memory, instinct, cycles, psychic ability, inner emotions, security, divination.
Basic Function: The Moons stimulate our autonomic response in a rhythmic and cyclic way. They rule the memory of nature and are nurturing on all levels. The New Moon helps us to create an opening to move forward and the Full Moon helps us bring things to fruition.
24" Full Moon Sidereal Gong Approximate musical note is A#.
Rules: Cancer
Character: Feelings, Fullness, Completeness
Key Words: Receptivity, nurturing, intuition, water, feminine, protection, good memory, instinct, cycles, psychic ability, inner emotions, security, divination.
Basic Function: The Moons stimulate our autonomic response in a rhythmic and cyclic way. They rule the memory of nature and are nurturing on all levels. The New Moon helps us to create an opening to move forward and the Full Moon helps us bring things to fruition.
24" Venus Planet Gong (Aphrodite) Approximate musical note is A.
Rules: Taurus/Libra
Character: Relationships
Key Words: Love, passion, desire, artistic sensibility, affection, harmony, beauty, magnetism, the feminine principal, cooperation, sociability, refinement, and responsiveness.
Basic Function: Increases our awareness of others, brings beauty, harmony, creativity, and abundance, while opening us up to the power and potential of relationship.
24" Uranus Planet Gong (Uranus) Approximate musical note is G#.
Rules: Aquarius
Character: Change
Key Words: Individualism, originality, rebellion, electricity, genius, creativity, revolution, transmission, innovation, and resourcefulness.
Basic Function: Initiates changes wherever necessary in our life and habit patterns. Uranian energy throws us into the unexpected and unknown, forcing us to experience the new and unusual, ever expanding our field of awareness.
24" Neptune Planet Gong (Poseidon) Approximate musical note is G#.
Rules: Pisces
Character: Creativity/Bliss
Key Words: Mystical, illusive, transcendental, inspiring, visionary, compassionate, sacrificial, esp., psychic and cosmic awareness, and spiritualism.
Basic Function: To dissolve out-dated patterns and attachments in order to make room for growth. Neptune points out false projections and illusions, allowing us to reclaim our lost power; helps us access the potential for intuition, inspiration, and artistic creativity.
2-Earth Sound Creation Gongs 38" and 32"The character of these Paiste Earth gongs is mysterious, knowing, kind, and unfathomable. Their sounds are unfathomable and dark, with swelling highs.
4-Symphonic Gongs 30" 32" 34" and 36"Paiste Symphonic Gongs have a slightly raised surface with a harmonic and universal sound structure. The fundamental note of the gong is balanced with the instrument's complex overtones.
The Symphonic contains even proportions of various gong characteristics, which can be brought forth using different mallets and striking points.
Symphonic Gongs feature some of our largest examples of the instrument, like the 60" SGM and the extraordinary 80", the world's largest gong.